A Simple Email Form Straight Out of the Oven

email form simple email form downloads

a simple email form

Here is a simple email form that you can plug straight into your website. The form contains the basic essential fields. You can add or remove fields in the HTML source.


The client-side form validation is done using jQuery Form Validation plugin (see a detailed tutorial here ). On the server-side, this PHP validation library is used.

It has a subtle jQuery Fade-in animation while submitting the form. The form is submitted via Ajax.

See the demo here. (opens in new tab)

Download the code:


After downloading the code unzip the file and edit the file form-to-email.php. The first few lines of that file are the configuration. Edit the email address and add yours. edit email address I would suggest creating a folder for the form and uploading the whole source to that folder. This avoids any overwrites. To embed the form in your pages, either edit the index.html or copy the form code to your page from index.html.


If you are not getting the emails, then probably your php-mail is not configured right. The script uses php’s mail() function that should work if the PHP-mail configuration is right.

Also see: more contact forms from

See Also