PHP Form Validation Tutorial

beginner form validation php form validation tutorial

Client-side form validations help in giving immediate feedback to the user. It is also required to add server side form validation in your form processing script. The user can disable Javascript on their server or even auto-bots might try to submit your form as well.

The server side form validations help keeping the form submission data consistent. The validations also help in lesser server side errors. For example, if you have set length limit in the database for a text input, it is better to do the validation before it actually gets cut off by the database system or even getting an error thrown.

Form validation vs form security checks

Often, people confuse form validations with form security. Form security (preventing exploits like SQL injection, XSS attacks etc ) are to be handled in addition to form validation. Form validation is focussed towards the user input where as the security validations should be focused on how you use the data. When you use the form data in an SQL query, it should be validated against SQL Injection. When you have fields like name or email as mandatory in the form, it should be checked in the server side script as well. That is Form validation.

How does the form data look like ?

We have a sample form here with common fields like name, email, a check box group, radio group, drop down list etc.

sample form with common fields like textbox, check boxes, radio group, dropdown list etc

Form HTML code:

<form method="post" action='cake-form-proc.php' id="cakeform" >
    <div class="cont_order">
        <legend>Make your cake!</legend>
        <div class='field_container'>
        <label >Size Of the Cake</label>
        <label class='radiolabel'><input type="radio"  name="selectedcake" value="Round6"  />Round cake 6" - serves 8 people</label><br/>
        <label class='radiolabel'><input type="radio"  name="selectedcake" value="Round8"  />Round cake 8" - serves 12 people</label><br/>
        <label class='radiolabel'><input type="radio"  name="selectedcake" value="Round10"  />Round cake 10" - serves 16 people</label><br/>
        <label class='radiolabel'><input type="radio"  name="selectedcake" value="Round12"  />Round cake 12" - serves 30 people</label><br/>
        <div class='field_container'>
            <label for="flavor">Select Flavor:</label >
            <select id="flavor" name='flavor' >
            <option value="">Select Flavor</option>
            <option >Yellow</option>
            <option >White</option>
            <option >Chocolate</option>
            <option >Combo</option>
        <div class='field_container'>
            <label >Fillings:</label>
            <label><input type="checkbox" value="Lemon" name='Filling[]'  />Lemon</label>
            <label><input type="checkbox" value="Custard" name='Filling[]'  />Custard</label>
            <label><input type="checkbox" value="Fudge" name='Filling[]'  />Fudge</label>
            <label><input type="checkbox" value="Mocha" name='Filling[]'  />Mocha</label>
            <label><input type="checkbox" value="Raspberry" name='Filling[]'  />Raspberry</label>
            <label><input type="checkbox" value="Pineapple" name='Filling[]'  />Pineapple</label>
       <div class='field_container'>
           <label class="inlinelabel"><input type="checkbox" id="agree" name='agree' /> I agree to the <a href="javascript:void(0);">terms and conditions</a></label>
    <div class="cont_details">
        <legend>Contact Details</legend>
        <label for='name'>Name</label>
        <input type="text" id="name" name='name' />
        <label for='address'>Address</label>
        <input type="text" id="address" name='address' />
        <label for='phonenumber'>Phone Number</label>
        <input type="text"  id="phonenumber" name='phonenumber'/>
    <input type='submit' id='submit' value='Submit'  />

First, let us see how the form data appears in the server side script. The php script below will print the $_POST global array:

echo '<pre>'.print_r($_POST,true).'</pre>';

Here is the sample output from that script: printed form data

Note that the “Filling[]” checkbox group in the HTML form results in an array in the PHP script

The rest of the fields appear as simple name-value pairs

To validate mandatory fields, we just have to check the presence of the value in the $_POST array. (note that the form method is post in the HTML form). To make it a bit cleaner, we can trim the input to remove any extra space from the beginning and end of the form.

A simple mandatory field check

Here is the PHP script that checks the name for empty input and throws an error if the input is empty.

$name = trim($_POST['name']);
	echo "Please enter your name";

echo "Success";

However, if we just throw the error and leave it at that, the user has to press the back button to correct the error. That is not user friendly. we should display the error message next to the field.

<label for='name'>Name</label>
<input type="text" id="name" name='name' 
    value='<?php echo htmlentities($name) ?>' />
<span class='error'><?php echo $name_error ?></span>

When we display the form back again, it should not loose the form data the user already had filled-in. So we have to display the value from the $_POST in the input value attribute. Note that we are using the htmlentities() function to encode any HTML entities like > or < in the input.

Validating a radio group

The radio group item will have the selected item’s value in the form data. If the user didn’t select any radio group item, it will be empty.

    $select_cake_error = "Please select a cake size";
    $selected_cake = $_POST['selectedcake'];

We have to avoid losing the selection.So we have to check the selection and add a ‘checked’ attribute using the previously selected value.

<label class='radiolabel'><input type="radio"  name="selectedcake" value="Round6" 
<?php echo ($selected_cake=='Round6')? 'checked':''; ?> />Round cake 6" - serves 8 people</label><br/>

<label class='radiolabel'><input type="radio"  name="selectedcake" value="Round8" 
<?php echo ($selected_cake=='Round8')? 'checked':''; ?> />Round cake 8" - serves 12 people</label><br/>

<label class='radiolabel'><input type="radio"  name="selectedcake" value="Round10" 
<?php echo ($selected_cake=='Round10')? 'checked':''; ?> 	/>Round cake 10" - serves 16 people</label><br/>
<label class='radiolabel'><input type="radio"  name="selectedcake" value="Round12" 
<?php echo ($selected_cake=='Round12')? 'checked':''; ?> />Round cake 12" - serves 30 people</label><br/>

The code:

echo ($selected_cake=='Round6')? 'checked':'';

checks whether Round6 was selected. If so, adds the checked attribute to the radio button.

Validating a dropdown list

Dropdown lists usually have one item labelled “Select…”. One way to validate that the user selected something other than the default “Select …” item is to keep its value empty. Then you can just check for ’emptiness’ :

    $flavor_error ="Please select a flavor from the list";
    $flavor = $_POST['flavor'];

Note that the value of “Select a flavor” default item is empty.

<label for="flavor">Select Flavor:</label >
<span class='error'><?php echo $flavor_error?></span>
<select id="flavor" name='flavor' >
    <option value="">Select Flavor</option>
    <option <?php echo $flavor=='Yellow'?'selected':''; ?> >Yellow</option>
    <option <?php echo $flavor=='White'?'selected':''; ?> >White</option>
    <option <?php echo $flavor=='Chocolate'?'selected':''; ?> >Chocolate</option>
    <option <?php echo $flavor=='Combo'?'selected':''; ?> >Combo</option>

For dropdown lists, we are to set the ‘selected’ attribute for previously selected item.

Validating a checkbox group

Check box groups are great when you want to allow multiple options for a field. Drop down lists or radio groups can be used for single selections and lists with multiple selections are not user friendly. We have used checkbox group for Fillings. The user can select any number of fillings. We need to validate that at least two options are selected. As you have seen in the previous section, the values for the checkbox group come as an array. So we just check the array item count.

if(empty($_POST['Filling']) || count($_POST['Filling']) < 2)
    $filling_error = "Please select at least 2 items for filling";

$filling = $_POST['Filling'];

We have to set the ‘checked’ attribute of the previous selections. We can use the in_array() function to check whether a value exists in the array.

<label >Fillings:</label>
<span class='error'><?php echo $filling_error ?></span>

<label><input type="checkbox" value="Lemon" name='Filling[]' 
<?php echo (in_array('Lemon',$filling)) ?'checked':'' ?> />Lemon</label>

<label><input type="checkbox" value="Raspberry" name='Filling[]' 
<?php echo (in_array('Raspberry',$filling)) ?'checked':'' ?> />Raspberry</label>

<label><input type="checkbox" value="Pineapple" name='Filling[]' 
<?php echo (in_array('Pineapple',$filling)) ?'checked':'' ?> />Pineapple</label>

Validating a single checkbox

Validating a single check box (the ‘agree’ check box in the sample form) is similar. We check whether the check box value is empty.

    $terms_error = "If you agree to the terms, please check the box below";
    $agree = $_POST['agree'];

Set the checked attribute:

<span class='error'><?php echo $terms_error ?></span>
<label class="inlinelabel">
<input type="checkbox" id="agree" name='agree'
<?php echo (empty($_POST['agree'])) ? '':'checked' ?> /> I agree to the terms and conditions

PHP Form Validation Libraries

Form validations require quite a bit of repetitive code. One alternative is to use a PHP form validation library. Here are some form validation libraries that you can try:

When you want to do client-side, fast response, user-friendly validations (in addition to the server side form validations) check out these links:

Download Source

You can download the sample form and the validation code in this tutorial from the link below:

PHP form validation sample code

See Also