How to send a confirmation email when a Google Form is submitted

google form confirmation email

You can send an email to the user who submitted the form. Also, you can get an email notification when the form is submitted.

Send an email confirmation message to the user who submitted the form

Click on the Settings icon and open the settings box

Google Forms settings icon

Enable the option Google forms settings

Collect Email addresses → Response receipts → Always

When the user submits the form, the user will get an email like this: Email from Google Forms

Get an email notification when the form is submitted

One or more people can get a notification when the form is submitted.

First, In the responses tab, enable saving the form submissions to a Google Sheet. Google Forms responses tab

Google Forms to Google Sheets

Open the Google Sheet. Then select the menu item: Tools → Notifications

Google forms notifications

You will get a notification whenever a new form submission is made.